2009年11月28日 星期六

Unreserved Love

I ’ve always been told love won’t survive
Promises will turn into lies
The world just think love comes and passes through
It never lasts pure and true
But I still believe love can last
It’s your unfailing love that gives me rest
You were there when I needed you most
I’ll never walk all alone
On the cross you died and took away my curse
Love so wondrous no one ever could deserve
Your bleeding hands proved your love unreserved
You’re my greatest joy and treasure on the earth
Make my life a fragrant offering I pray
Help me Lord to serve you truly every day
Through tears and joy I’ll give you all my praise
Let the whole world know your love and grace

Now I still believe love can last
It’s your unfailing love that gives me rest
You were there when I needed you most
I’ll never walk all alone
On the cross you died and took away my curse
Love so wondrous no one ever could deserve
Your bleeding hands proved your love unreserved
You’re my greatest joy and treasure on the earth
Make my life a fragrant offering I pray
Help me Lord to serve you truly every day
Through tears and joy I’ll give you all my praise
Let the whole world know your love and grace

On the cross you died and took away my curse
Love so wondrous no one ever could deserve
Your bleeding hands proved your love unreserved
You’re my greatest joy and treasure on the earth
Make my life a fragrant offering I pray
Help me Lord to serve you truly every day
Through tears and joy I’ll give you all my praise
Let the whole world know your love and grace

A Wedding Speech

Life comes from life. The universe is a living thing made by love and of love. The earth too as part of the universe is a living thing made of love. We experience her love in the abundance of support she provides us such as the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. And we recognize the divinity of her unconditional love and so call her mother earth or some of us refer to her as goddess. We must recognize as well that we too spring from universal love and as such carry a spark of the divine within each and everyone of us.Ladies and gentleman,We are here today to witness and celebrate a passage of life, a passage of love, which Ariele and Martin have chosen to enter upon. They have decided to become more than just lovers, but a family. Moving from onstage of life to another. You have been invited to be physical representatives of the divine and give your support to their union, so as to help make their new path a joyous one, one that is walked upon with wonder and ease. For truly, whether we recognize it or not, we are all family all of the time. Therefore we deeply thank you for your presence as we thank the goddess herself for being with us always.This celebration is not and end, but a beginning, the start of a new process. From my experience it is not the marriage ceremony nor the marriage that is important, but the love and friendship that you share. Those will ensure a longer lasting relationship than any ritual.With all my heart I bless you and trust that all will go well in your new life together. My love goes with you, as I am sure everyone else’s love in this place goes with you as sell. Goddess be with you. Blessed be.

2009年11月27日 星期五








1. 工具包括有;乾淨白毛巾多塊,中軟牙刷,洗衣肥皂(勞工硯,超市有售),白醋(食用白醋,超市有售),風筒,清水一盆,杯
2. 白毛巾浸水後扭乾至微濕,以污漬轉移方式在污漬處輕擦,有需要時按著白毛巾在污漬上,使污漬潤濕並希釋轉移至白毛巾處,除污時從污漬的外圍向內處理,避免造成污漬擴散,如污漬仍在
3. 用牙刷弄濕後沾少量洗衣肥皂,然後在污漬處輕擦至起泡,跟著用乾燥白毛巾汲走泡沫,重覆多次,
4. 此時要注意如水份過多使帆布出現大面積水印,就要使用乾燥白毛巾抺乾多餘的水份,並以風筒幫助吹乾,如吹乾後仍然出現水印漬,要用牙刷沾清水擦水印處來稀釋水印,再用白毛巾及風筒弄乾,如色漬仍在
5. 以1份水開1份白醋倒在杯上備用,以牙刷沾上備用白醋在手袋不顯眼位置試色,試色作用是看看帆布會不會因白醋而脫色,讓一水滴白醋在帆布待一分鐘,然後用乾布抺走,如沒有脫色
6. 用牙刷沾上備用白醋輕擦色漬處,然後用清水過潔淨,最後重覆第4點,直至手袋弄乾為止
7. 切勿讓手袋在濕的狀態下掛晾,此舉會造成顏色移染,情況更惡化
8. 到此步如仍有色漬,萬勿勉強起漬,因會破壞帆布纖維,造成永久損壞,建議交專業乾洗處理為上算
1. 常用的服裝皮革有光面革、苯胺革、半苯胺革、絨面革、磨沙革、皮毛一體、皮裘等。
2. 以上各類的處理方法都有不同,現以光面革為例
3. 工具包括有;白毛巾,白電油(五金舖有售),碧麗珠(超市有售)
4. 清潔步驟;
l 倒少量白電油在白毛巾上,把沾有白電油的白毛巾在手袋不顯眼的暗角試色,如輕力擦也脫色就要即刻停止,沒有脫色就可繼續,
l 倒少量白電油在白毛巾上,把白毛巾輕力擦色漬,因白電油是揮發性,它會把色漬轉移至白毛巾上,並把殘留在皮革的白電油揮發掉
l 使用過白電油去漬後的手袋,在乾透後會可能會出現白化現象,(即脫脂及加光劑被除去了)此時要
l 使用碧麗珠唧在白毛巾上,然後順時針輕輕打磿,直至光亮
5. 去漬時要有耐性,使用去漬用品時勿過量,每次用量要淺,否則就會發生嚴重脫色
6. 如果嚴重的污漬,自己沒有信心處理,都是交專業乾洗處理為上算

2009年11月25日 星期三

永恆 Eternity


By Lin Qingxuan


She once told him a story.


In the story, a pair of lovers went climb Mount Himalayas and happened to encounter an avalanche; he was whirled by the rolling snow to an unknown place, while she stood beside the snow drift, dumbfounded there.


Her dream was often haunted by his image calling in the snow after she returned home, so she decided to look for him buried in the snow. She went to look for him just at the site where the accident occurred in Mount Himalayas every year. Many years passed. At last, after twenty years, she found him at the foot of the mountain.


At that time, she was grey-haired with wrinkles all over her face, while he still remained the same young face when the snowslide happened twenty years ago, so she deeply felt the power of time.


Both of them were deeply moved by this story.


She asked him, "Maybe love can last forever!"


He replied, "Such a love is eternal?"


They talked about eternity later when they were passionately in love with such a true belief that their love could last forever.


In the end, they also broke up not in Mount Himalayas but in Taipei. But ETERNITY, like snowflakes in Mount Himalayas, had fluttered one after another to the ground and melted quickly.


Love may last forever except in a snowslide, but even snowslide cannot ensure Eternity

2009年11月24日 星期二

